Tips, advice and ideas to help you learn about MEARIE, our products & solutions.

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The Reciprocal Newsletter
Are you confused about Vehicle Rentals and MEARIE Insurance Coverage? Does your company rent replace- ment vehicles? Do your employees rent vehicles f...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
Do you know how to report a claim/incident to MEARIE? Did you know your MEARIE policies have specific claim/incident reporting requirements? Prompt cl...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
Are your vehicles, both company and personal, ready for yet another onslaught of winter? Are you only hoping your vehicle can make it through the wint...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
At this time of year there are many factors that can affect your operations and potential for losses. Loss of Balance Exposure Increases Winter condit...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
Cell phone use while driving continues to be more and more frequent in today's world of instant communication. The Province of Ontario is currently co...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
All across Canada a crime wave continues to spread. There is nothing new about stealing metal and selling it as scrap. The rapid increase in copper pr...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
Can utilities be brought into a legal suit for “Professional Services?” The answer is a highly probable YES. Recent cases employ the following test to...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
Triple digit premium increases, can- celled policies, non-renewals, reduced policy limits, sub-limits, exclusions, high- er deductibles. Although this...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
Do you know which of your drivers is a potential accident waiting to happen? Do all of your drivers have a current valid license? Have any of your dri...
The Reciprocal Newsletter
The historical study of MEARIE Liability losses for the policy period 1998 to 2006 has revealed increasing trends for both the severity [amount of dol...