Fleet/Vehicle Claims


Outside of the regular office hours, emergency liability, vehicle and property claims can be reported to: 647.223.9243 or claims@mearie.ca

You are responsible to report a vehicle claim or incident, regardless of damage to your vehicle, as soon as you become aware. Vehicle accidents/incidents that are below the deductible should still be reported for our records.

Online Claims Submission

Click here to submit your claim online
(FigWeb username and password required – if you’ve forgotten your logon credentials for this system, please contact claims@mearie.ca)

Paper-based Claims Submission

Vehicle Accident Reporting Form
(MEARIE website logon required)
Send this completed form to: claims@mearie.ca

Subscriber Obligations Regarding Vehicle Claims:

An incident that involves more than $2,000 damage or personal injury is to be reported to the police and reported to your insurer within 7 days.

Potential claims under the MEARIE Vehicle policy are regulated by legislation in the Province of Ontario and have stringent reporting requirements. Under Section 1.4 Your Responsibilities of the OAP1 Vehicle policy it states “If you fail to meet your responsibilities, claims under this policy, with the exception of certain Accident Benefits, may be denied.” The following excerpts from the policy should be kept in mind in the event of an incident or claim;

Policy Wording: 1.4.4. You agree to inform us (MEARIE) in writing of any incident involving the automobile (vehicle) that must be reported to the police under the Highway Traffic Act or for which you intend to make a claim under this policy. You must notify us (MEARIE) within seven days of the incident or, if unable, as soon as possible after that.

Statutory Requirement 6 - Requirements Where Loss or Damage to Automobile

  1. Where loss of or damage to the automobile occurs, the insured shall if the loss or damage is covered by this contract,
    1. Give notice thereof in writing to the insurer with the fullest information obtainable at the time
    2. At the expense of the insurer, and as far as reasonably possible, protect the automobile from further loss or damage
  2. Any further loss or damage accruing to the automobile directly or indirectly from a failure to protect it as required . . . is not recoverable under this contract
  3. No repairs, other than those that are immediately necessary for the protection of the automobile from further loss or damage, shall be undertaken and no physical evidence of the loss or damage shall be removed,
    1. Without written consent of the insurer, or;
    2. Until the insurer has had a reasonable time to make the examination for which provision is made in statutory condition 8
The MEARIE Group

Liability Claims

The MEARIE Group

Property Claims